Friday, August 9, 2013

lastest posting on facebook in response to the label cis

my facebook id is
rachel.candie. reid

I belong to this transgendered group and I just leaned about the label cis. cis means anyone that was born the gender that one prefer to live and work as . my opinion of labels are they are designed to divide humanity. we are human beings first who happen to be women , men and so on .

I sounded off, damn marine in me, about my opinion of cis and they are my best friends and the group I identify with and have all of my life. in my darkest hours when I was near a suicide attempt two women in the va held me up and that relationship ensured the suicide attempt never happened.

my relationship with women goes back to my days when I was a child. I seem to be one of a kind in the transgendered world and I will not apologize for who I am nor my friends I love and care about and this goes both ways with my friends.

I simply identify as a woman and honestly the largest sex organ in the body is not between our legs but our brain. so for all that what to label me please come up with a criteria that can evaluate and define me by my brain. the way I think can and does explain why I can relate to woman and not men which goes back to when i was a child.

here is my email i sent to a friend on facebook in response to the less than positive comment i posted concerning cis

ol I write emails so often to so many people that signing my name is a habit. in my darkest hours honestly I had to women in leadership positions at the va holding me up while a man and women within xerox helped me at work. I barely made it out of that deep black space in my life but it is also true for the first time in my life I trusted people that they had my best interest at heart.

i spoke at the visn 20, regional va , conference in 2012 and to the best of my knowledge and others within the va was the first woman like me to speak at regional conference. in attendance were 50 directors and deputy directors of a 4 state region. I spoke from my heart about my experience on hormones and much more about my life including how  estrogen helped my arthritis.

I just believe that the anger in some people inside and outside the glbt community in the name of gender or sexual orientation is a cloak for the deep seeded personal pain. I have found by writing my blog and speaking i have been able to heal and let go of any anger that was within me.

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