Sunday, August 18, 2013

facebook post today and quote from sir winston churchill

my latest posting from facebook and will write in blog tonight too

you have enemies? good you stood for something in your life.
sir winston churchill

I have made friends in my journey and god knows I have made enemies by speaking out about my experiences. in all honesty my allies are women and many within my subculture have clashed about this issue to the point I was removed from a transgendered facebook community.

this is/was hurtful but I will not compromise principals and my friends, allies, and loved ones , the women , of my life to toe some party line that is self destructive. in my darkest hours when so many in my community turned their backs on me the women in my life held me and protected me from my worst enemy me. the debt i owe women goes back to when I was a kid. Girls would literally, at times, put her body between me and the men bullying me.

the women in my life have given me the strength and courage to lead in a community where leadership is lacking. this has lead to my strength to push for leadership role within the va community, xerox and in my private life.

god bless the women from the bottom of my heart


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