Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The studies do not lie estrogen has/ will keep my brain young AND MY PAIN AGAIN

The studies do not lie estrogen has/ will keep my brain young

Rachel Reid <rachel.reid.1959@gmail.com>

the key word is choroid plexus which effectively, according to the study, controls the immune system brain activity. this one part of the brain tells scientist,unless i am reading it wrong,your brain age. then article two demonstrates that HRT , my gift from god, alters the part of the brain that is your true brain age. 
the evidence is overwhelming at this point, no longer mounting, that the gyno doctor i spoke to said " if male or female estrogen affects the body the same" and i concur. the science studies are right on are accurate and despite others treating me like a man in dress the scientist evidence points to i am a female with certain bone structures that seem more male like. however in all fairness many big boned women are born with a vagina and there are a woman because , god i want to say something nasty , they have a vagina yet i don't. 
the fact is estrogen has put RA in check when the billion dollar drug Enbrel barely put a dent in the disease. also my brain is sharper than i have ever been in my life because of estrogen. the studies are so accurate yet so many as i cry treat me like man without saying it. the message is clear to so many in society " you are not woman enough" so we will marginalize you to the extreme in some cases.
it is like the both of you have said to me that so many in society , in so many words, are not ready for anyone like me. i hate writing this but it is the truth.  yet to the left we have people that want special treatment.

i was thinking last night i am safe to say what i want and need to say in a respectful way behind the thick walls of the .....but outside in the liberal world i would be painted as a mentally ill person and others would say , in the trans comm, they do not go through the process i have gone through. we all know that is a lie but the truth means others would have to take on demons they do not want to take on. 
i am happy to be with who i am in my life.
thank you



his interface, known as the choroid plexus, is found in each of the brain's four ventricles, and it separates the blood from the cerebrospinal fluid. Schwartz: "The choroid plexus acts as a 'remote control' for the immune system to affect brain activity. Biochemical 'danger' signals released from the brain are sensed through this interface; in turn, blood-borne immune cells assist by communicating with the choroid plexus.This cross-talk is important for preserving cognitive abilities and promoting the generation of new brain cells."


Among the female AD patients, those without hysterectomy and with ERT had the highest ER α density

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