Friday, September 12, 2014

NIH article on estrogen and exercising and my comments

In addition, the use of the animal model has provided physiological and molecular evidence that exercise training provides estrogens-like protective effects on liver fat accumulation and its consequences.
the NIH article is leading me ... you know me i want to know why..... to believe that the exercising with the timing of my estrogen intake coupled with the grape juice which has been proven to double or triple your estrogen has exponentially increased the effects of estrogen on me during exercising? what if the exercising with my estrogen intake has altered my experience on hormones? 
the flashbacks and intensity of the need to ..... how do i say this... to do what women do in private... has increased in the middle of working out.  i am shocked that my liver can handle all of this along with the Enbrel.  someone is watching out for me.
i thought i would share the article

thank you

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