Monday, October 6, 2014

Transgendered woman murdered in East Hollywood California, USA and how it impacted me


i was in the Portland Library yesterday when a guy passing me said," are you are guy or a woman" as i walked up the stairs i was so pushed about my gender lately that i said, " mind your own business." in all likelihood that comment on the street could have escalated to what happened to the woman in Hollywood.

i have observed and been a witnessed how others have reacted to me, men only, where they are drooling at the sight of my figure and looks but once they get really close that look on their face quickly turns from oh she is hot to one of anger and resentment i exist. make no doubt that what happened in Hollywood could have escalated based upon her being transgender. the media and the police might discount what happened as a robbery gone bad but trust me based on what i has been done to me and others this could have easily been a transgender murder.

so one day i could be that woman in Hollywood!!! i have decided to begin to arm myself with a weapon by the end of the year and based upon my research one of the best concealed weapons i will purchase a Colt 380. the big question is will I freeze in a situation like what happened in Hollywood or will I do want I was trained to do in the Marines. either way i would rather go down with a fighting chance.( maybe I leave this in gods hands and do what i do best and love. but god was watching when the men killed a woman on the way home.)

i might decide to back off this position but based upon the fact that i have been hit, knife pulled on me and the harassment in the past. all of this has been occasional but it only takes one bullet to kill me or anyone else. i want the chance to defend my right to be me. i am crying because I cannot believe i will have to arm myself with a weapon to protect my right to be me.

those of us that are very vocal and outspoken pay the ultimate price our lives like this woman!!!

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