Friday, January 31, 2014

two more email and the honest truth of the strength estrogen, the environment

here are the two unedited emails to two dear friends

i am so blessed that you .......... are in my live. truly is the gospel truth i am not sure i would be here without all of you .  i understand why the others have so little effectiveness while on estrogen and why my on  experience is so unique . it has nothing , and i mean nothing, to do with the strength nor dosage of estrogen but purely the environment and people that are in your life. this last week is proof positive because all week my estrogen did not work and last night i started to cry again and this morning i was a basket case again. i was crying also this morning because  i am back to my emotional self. i am thankful for you and everyone in my inner circle.

i even told ....... i think  the reason all of this works between all of us is i would not care if you were a stay at home mom, manager at macdonald. we see each other as human beings then as women then whatever label society chooses to put on us.  none of our life is an accident and especially the last three years of my life.

thank you and god bless


ps i remember when i said about god and you said some of us believe in god... and last note a woman told me about how  her class taught her that the estrogen makes us women , like me, more gabby. as my mother would say i beg to differ and I will simply say  my aunt told me in the  past, long ago, i have the gift of gab. i talked non stop since i was a kid. my mother would say, " donald would you please shut up .. you are driving me nuts." i cannot speak for the others but my :"big mouth' came with me at birth.

 i think so many are reaching and trying to explain why estrogen does what is does and perhaps i/we were just born with a female brain and others cannot understand how that is possible from the prospective of science yet.  in god's eyes i honestly wonder at times if he is looking through my eyes of how others treat me?  i also  would not trade my body nor mind for anyone else .. i have thought of it .... i love me as me but need a slight modification .. really soon..... ok i will shut up now lol

 email 2 :

i wanted to forward my thoughts you. i am so glad all of you are in my life because it gives me a fighting chance. i think my life is so different on estrogen because there is a big goal which i am trying to turn into a group project with a few good friends.  the big goal creates excitement, ziglar, and changes how i look at the world and my experience on estrogen. if i had my way the va i  would be the first for the va to so the srs surgery. i know that is not possible so i am trying to do the next best thing by going to thailand and coming home so  my friends at the va can help me heal and we all can learn from this unique experience.

i have heard too many times in blogs and facebook groups " I will not be the general population educational tool." i ask why not?  then how can you expect others to understand you if you are not willing to share. i taught my daughter that sharing is caring .  i intend to share and care the rest of my life and this also alters my experience of hormones . i wish so many others could see the world through my eyes and begin to heal. i hope in time i can help others but i need to help me first,

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