I was mortified and I did not know how to even approach what my daughter did the day before my birthday. I had texted her to call me when she had a chance and I had spoke with my uncle Dave. my daughter, previous to this, never calls me back until weeks later. I was thinking I will be shocked if she calls me for my birthday.
so when she called the day before my birthday all seems better in so many ways. we spoke of the past and i said i would have you as my daughter all over again. i was crying and she said she was too. but after about an hour on the phone she said she would like a pix of two sent to her. i asked for her address which she previously told me at college she did not have one. ( rachel is not so stupid) then she asked if i could take a picture of the picture since her mom had only 3 pix of her growing up. so i said i would do this.
then she blinded sided me with and said, " please have an open mind." first my daughter and i had not talked on the phone in over 4 yrs for this long of a period of time. plus she has not sent me a card or gift in the last 4 yrs. however in the past i have sent her birthday and holiday present via money. but once recently i told her i did not have the money and she said, " Fuck you" and hung up. I was deeply hurt but i have tolerated so much until now.
so she hit me with one article out of the millions on line about why I am the way i am. the article is based upon the premise that i am like a woman that looks in the mirror and see herself as fat when she is very thin. so to summarize the research article i look in the mirror and see a girl when in reality i am a boy. so all of my issues about my gender are a distorted imagine of myself and it is all a mental illness.
this is when the other day i basically tore into my daughter and educated her about the female brain and the similarities i have to any other woman. i was livid and crying that she picked the day before my 55th birthday to challenge me and educate from the prospective of my ex wife, my ex friend nicole and herself. of all the days of my life why?
i was barely hanging on before this happened but the talk with the both of you really helped that week. but over the week it ate at me and ate at me and yes suicide was on my mind. but for some reason last night, although i truly wanted to commit suicide to be direct, i could not even formulate a plan. apparently i have gone through many thoughts of suicide as a child and i promised my grandmother that I would not do it. i remember vividly how i wanted to go with my grandmother if she died and she said that she wanted me to stay with my brother, sister and mother. i said they will not miss me. my grandmother said, " yes but your uncle Dave, Alice, scotty and Davey and your other uncle and aunts etc will miss you.
she said, " Donnie promise me you will not ..." I promised because my grandmother said that would make her cry. i did not want my grandmother to cry so i promised to not commit suicide. apparently i had planned or thought of jumping off of chimney rocks, a old look out a few miles from us, and my mother or something happened. my grandmother talked to me and i remembered it all last night, by accident, when i was in a very dark space.
i will be honest i took a knife in my hand and tried to push it in my stomach and i could not. then i remember how that is exactly what i had tried to do when i was a teen. this is when my grandmother was told by my mother what she had saw me trying to do. then after i talked to my grandmother i promised her i would never kill myself. so to this day i cannot do it no matter what because of a promise nearly 45 yrs ago. plus i have a couple friends here that would miss me and i would not want to hurt them and see one tear hit their pillows.
so this morning after i was pushed by my daughter like never before while my hormones were raging dealt with what happened this past week. below is the txt
hi i get it u mom n nicole see me as a mentally ill man that wears a dress .. but to pick my 55th bday to confront-help made it the worst bday of my life
Nicole(my daughter)
but it does not mean i do not love you. remember that. i might not believe in it but you do so it is what it is
i love you... it is not a choice... is there not a chance that god made me this way for a reason..no more of choice then ur friends that are gay or lesbian ( she has had 2 gays men friends for yrs)
grandma knew everything and helped with me make up n put on my first bra and dress.. she accepted me.. but my mother and MJ tried to have me locked up at 7
i do not understand your prospective but maybe talk to a neutral party.... like ur prof who is female to male trans
knowing everything grandma knew she drilled into my head don't let them change you n you have to leave here to be u.... i told her all of my secrets
Nicole did not respond to my text nor call me. i was prepared for my ex wife, nicole or my friend nicole to call me. i was so hurting so bad i could not cry. it was honestly the worst birthday of my life. how could she pick the day before my birthday to .. omg.
know that the phone conversations with the of you, that cookie with the note and a small cake from the apt complex women probably saved my life. i was so devastated and hurt i could not cry and i refused to really tell Gina the depth of my pain because i am not sure i can trust her yet.
and this morning after i sent the text i had another flashback of how my father thew me up against the wall. then my mother said," how far are you going to push this?" this being acting out/different ( code words for being feminine)? I said, " to stop me dad is going to have to kill me." my mother said you are just like your father. I said no mother, " you know all of this is wrong and i do not hit anyone in this house. you and dad hit me and slap me but i never see you let dad hit mark like this? she said mark behaves and does not act out ( different). my mother used my father to beat the feminine side/woman out of me and i had to be prepared to literally risk my life from the age of 7 yrs old. so by the age of 12-13 i was getting beat and thrown against the wall because not that i was violent, i never hit anyone in anger, but it was all because i was feminine.
then i remember back in the marines when a marine threatened to beat my ass along with this friend who were dealing drugs. so i had my friends, yes some sold drugs but they knew i would not tell the gunny anything, and i had Dominez and Montoya talk to them. then i had to go to the
Gunny and he told Fred, PA all state heavy wt wrestling champion, Big Al, also all state heavy weight wrestler, and this guy from AK that was big as a damn door talk to the men that wanted to beat my ass.
the threats keep coming so the Gunny had Fred escorting me to the shower and still the threats came every day. then one day one guy said you might be safe here but you better watch your ass off base outside the gate we will be waiting for you. i was terrified and i went to the gunny. the gunny made a rare move and some how had a radio operator transferred to a infantry / grunt unit. but as they guy was packing he came at me but Dominez and the other guys said this is not going to happen. i was well protected in the Marines but thank god this was the only one that was physical.
the guys liked me and there were some really big and tough guys in our unit. they also protected one guy in a grunt unit once when steve , 6'2" black belt in Tae Kwon do, grab a grunt who was beating on one of our guys by the throat and threw him up against a storage box. this was comm platoon. i might have been able to bench 245 lbs but i hate and do not know how to fight but to kick you.
maybe you can see how the marines really operates. there were not charges ever filed in either case but everything was handles in house. the marines have their own rules and it really is a gang and a gang within a gang in the platoon. with me i was friends with Steve, Fred and everyone but this assholes. so i had over half of the platoon watching my back as i moved between them and the gunny.
all i have done is fight wars and today was another one with my daughter and ex wife etc. i asked god to help me and help me not fight any more wars but it does not look like that will happen. i know god sees what happens to me and he is not happy with so many people. my ex wife has so much pull over my daughter and what happen today was so wrong and as i cryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy breaks my heart. but i cannot do this before or after surgery because it would destroy me or i might commit suicide.
i know that there is not another MA , Lisa or Rachel and we were all brought together to do something so good. i understand why i had to do all i have in the past but i have not had the life i deserved. for instance yesterday the ladies at the apt spoke of a baby shower and i said i have never been to one. they said nothing so i feel so hurt that i am not good enough for you. i am not woman enough ????? why?????
so i have missed out on baby showers, bridal showers, proms, etc so all the experiences i should have had will never be just like me i will never be so what stick around? i really don't know why? i do not want surgery .. but i do .... to have surgery to just have a vagina? no way.
now i find out that there is a possible surgery for me to transparent a uterus? i was born in the wrong decade and i deserved to have had a loving wife and daughter and the ability to have kids like any other woman. i have come up with nothing in my life. so now at 55 yrs old i am trying to put my life together by utilizing a program for people over 55 yrs old.
i mean was it asking to much of god that i could not have a girls bike or ..... i got nothing until i was in my 50's. i gave and gave and i do not want to give one more thing. my life was stolen because, excuse me, have a dick. the depression today is more than you can imagine and the pushing of my daughter and my push back gave me a rush of estrogen like never before. i swear to god no one knows what this drug does to the human body.
i have made the decision to not stop estrogen before surgery as you know because why? i have to be my own doctor because there is not data but plenty of doctors pretending to know what is right for srs. none of them know and even the ones with srs experience including bowers. so in my 50's i am a lab rat and at times i wish the VA would just lock me up in white city then i fight back just like i have since i was 7 yrs old.
the doctors do not understand that drug surges somehow when the body in in fear or threatened in any way. every time i have been sick or threatened in any way after i overcome the event or during the event i can feel the estrogen surge so much i nearly pass out. no one and i mean no one knows the power of estrogen.
now back to my daughter? it is apparent that she has made a decision and so i have now. sadly
thank you