Friday, April 17, 2015

the trans comm agenda; short sighted based on bad info ; urge to trans to talk to doctors and doctors to trans comm

"Most professional ethics codes require providers to be culturally competent."
Who will determine and define who is able to and certified to train for this competency?  it is my personal opinion that the info used to help train people is worthless when every provider has started with " you are the expert on your experience." i know this is promoted by HRC and the trans comm but that is based upon bad intel. 

this is politically motivated and in the end seems to me to create further confusion yet fulfills the needs of political organizations. i realize i am maybe the only one talking but ..... until the medical providers can get the comm to open up this is all some nice dancing for providers and the comm. 

i do not know the answer about how to share and change people's mindset since i am but one.  but give me my hormones is not going to give the outcomes the trans community thinks it will for so many of us. 
there has to be a full range of support services where honest conversation happens. but again since the doctors, not their fault for the most part, are stepping on egg shells. this exist because of the fight or flight so many of us on in and removing this stigma is probably the most important part of the solution.

so the way i see i have to go the distance on this with video included and attempt without getting crushed by the far left activist to open the door or break the glass ceiling. i still cannot wrap my head about 10k over that actually have had the surgery in thailand and yet no one talks??

i have promised god and the........ i will go the distance and i will keep this promise!! i just never knew what i was getting into because no one talks. i think if the doctors had reliable info and open talks where the comm would let their guard down then something would be done and we could move forward.

i just hope i can help and that happens in my life time .

thank you

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