On Sunday I lost my balance and fell backwards. the truth is that I
think I lost my balance to ? muscle mass loss? I don't know but i know i
struggled to prevent the fall. I hit the wall hard enough that i
dislodged my standing mirror from the casing and my back and perhaps my
head hit the wall. thus given that i am on estrogen and I had a bruise
combined with the light headedness I was very scared a stroke might be
in the making. so i headed to the VA ER on monday night.
I had a fantastic visit . even the window staff looked up the trimet schedule because the
bus and train stop around the time I was discharged. the window staff
looked up the info so I was able to get the last bus home around
my best guess of what happened yesterday based on the fact
that my Ct scan and Xray and all my blood work was normal is that it was
a combination of my hormones raging more, my allergies combined with
the heat. the heat apparently really is a challenge due to my changing
body and my accumulation of portland. a few yrs ago the heat was so mild
compared to back east but now the heat is a more than i can handle
combined with my allergies and hormones.
i also learned last night on the bus home that i had the same
fear i had in the marines late at night. but on hormones i realize how
dangerous it can be for a woman and it is not safe at night whereas in
the past i was emotionally shut down. last night i did not realize it
until the moment happened that even at bus stops late at night i would
strike up a conversation with a woman or she would start one with me.
last night the only woman at the bus stop start a conversation with me.
the whole thing is the memories and hormones never shut off, never.
then after i arrived home my nerves were so bad that i skipped my
estrogen because i could not handle the lack of sleep and the extremely
long day. i thought in the moment i cannot work a stressful environment.
i am a different person and what i could tolerate yr one of hormones is
not me now. i have moved from a fight or flight environment to a more
functional one and i have a hard time wrapping my head around how fast i
have changed.
i was so distraught last night in my apt i had a maladaptive dream of a
gf/ wife and all of you asking me if I wanted to stop hormones and forgo
surgery. in the moment i said i rather as i cry have a relationship
with a woman than surgery. my journey is not about a vagina and i am so
damn scared of surgery. if a woman ask me not to have surgery because
she was scared i would die. i am think i wold forgo surgery because
there is no data to support that it will help me . there is nothing. my
maladaptive dreams helped me through stress and help me work through
then this morning I awoke to my hormones raging at a new level
despite not taking one estrogen pill the night before. i cannot stop
what i started and the hormones never give me a rest. this is s a fact.
they are raging nearly every minute of every day now. it is like i am on
a mission for surgery and i am trying to overt a disaster after
surgery. i know i need a big goal that will allow me to move past
surgery. today i was back to my normal self struggling with memories and
the hormones raging.
i had a flashback as i drank my water this morning of how my parents
abused me and i apparently had a panic attack and i was forced to drink
water to calm me down. i used this opportunity to create a new feeling
in the moment for today. this is the real challenge on hormones and my
ability to think a crisis is so so important but i do struggle a lot but
i never have quite.
the flashback are good too. when i cooked my carrot cake the
right amount of time had past for the cake to be done. but i had a
memory of my mom saying," donnie the cake will be done when it is
done." so i left the cake in for another 5 minutes and boom the perfect
carrot cake with icing was complete after a night in the frig. but when
i iced the cake i had a flashback of what my mom said about icing
i had changed who I am as human
being and my true values come forth in my process. i now see if a woman
stares at me as offensive because my prospective, as of today, is you
see me in a sexual way but not as human being? why now say hi to me
rather than as a sex object and yes this has happen many times in
portland. i was flattered in the past but i thought about this over and
over and i realized today it is not different an a man starring at me
sexually. this is a profound shift in my values that hid in me for
decades. i have changed as human being who happens to be a woman.
this shift happened because i was attracted to my therapist
but i realized that i wanted to dress like her and her and look like her.
then last week i saw a woman in public that had a short dress then a woman that
was muscular and athletic. my thought process was i want to look like
the girl in the short dress and i am attracted to the athletic woman.
but in the moment in therapy i told my therapist I don't know you but as my
therapist. i went on to tell her that i do not know you as a person and
then i figured out so much and I learned that it takes time to know if
you like someone and they are compatible with you. furthermore i
realized that i cannot judge people on a single look or action but this
is something my mother taught me that i have to unlearn and i have
started to make progress of this in so many ways. basically i am in
therapy 24/7 and i need to learn to do what i did the other day and that
is relax and think of nothing.
i have decided to wait for the right job despite my talent to
work in a call center and raise the monies for surgery in the next six
months. i want to arrive alive but in thailand and i have no idea of the
dangers i will face and last night opened my eyes that i have to find
someone to go with me. i barely made it though last night. i slipped
back into my maladaptive dreams and for surgery i need to live in the
moment to come through it a healed woman and human being.
thank you to both of you for opening your heart to help me in
my journey. the never ending emails is and was a gateway for me to take
on the challenges of xerox, therapist with no secrets, the
blog. the biggest reason i have healed so fast is the love of god and
your love and caring .
thank you and god bless,
ps i think
i need to move from Facebook before surgery or sooner because that is
my to direct my very sexual self up front and personal. i seek to find a
woman of god to live the rest of my life with and not ... thinking in
the moment ..... one prospective woman...... maybe she is on facebook
because i see so many other lesbians that are dying just to cuddle with
another woman. we are so lonely and all over the country.
...... all we have in common is we
supposedly belong to the GLBT community and this means what?i my mother would say "'
donald you come on too strong." i am just me and i have very strong
views of morality and life. i state what i have experienced in life and
it ruffles people in the gay community but I have never any problem with
a woman. i think the conversation with the men and women are so
different. i especially get a laugh from a woman when i talk about my
experience on hormones. a few women have said,," welcome to the club." i
think one is ..... i did not like it when ..... said that women have
weaker upper body strength then men lol. it is true but i cannot wrap my
head around how i cannot lift and do what i had done for decades due to
my environment.
i am glad i am surrounded by women that care about me and this
complicates my decision concerning surgery because people now care
about me whereas this was not true before. now if i end up dead after
surgery or i have massive complications my emotions and others are
affected now. so the decision of surgery of when and where is
complicated because of the love of so many. i think of the office manager and the
hours in his office when he gave the most important thing to me and that
is his time. so many have given so much to me in the last few yrs i
need to do surgery right so i can move past it and heal myself and
i think i am done lol
Marine veteran from Portland Oregon. "Those who have the ability to advocate and lead have the moral and ethical responsibility to do so. That time is now or never. (by Rachel Reid) A few of my favorite quotes: "Rarely do well-behaved women make History" (unknown author) You have enemies? good that means you stood for something in your life. Sir Winston Churhill
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Saturday, July 12, 2014
the depth of my pain that seems to never end
this is an email to a friend:
i went onto craigslist and posted an ad then removed it 5
minutes later. I also was in my cyber world but I cannot cross the line
anymore with men just for sex. the fact is i cannot be around men at all
most of the time. the very thought of what i have done with men in the
past haunts me in my memories brought back by the estrogen. the
memories make me sick to my stomach of what i did in the past. this is
my dirty secret and i cannot unto all i did in the past as i cry and
cry. i did all of these things to get the attention as a woman. i am
tired of the pain please god come get me . the pain is too much for me
to endure.
if i cannot find gf by my birthday i am sure i will pay a
woman to be with me. i cannot take it much longer. i know if i do this i
cannot undo it and i may pay a price that i cannot even imagine. the
price will be to tell my girlfriend i was with a prostitute because i
wanted to be with a woman.
my hormones have raged like this for about one yr but they are
growing in strength as i bring my anxiety under control. i am holding
on by a thread in the area of sex. i am not sure i can wait until
surgery for sex but i really don't want sex. i want intimacy that has
eluded me for decades. for a woman to tell me she loves me as rachel has
been a dream all of my life. i am tired of waiting please god sent me a
good woman to help me with the cross i am carrying.
i am crying because i know what the consequences of a prostitute are with a woman but i am not sure i can stop it.
thank you
i am crying because to be direct i
have not been intimate with a woman in over 3 yrs. i my hormones are
raging higher than when i was a teen. i am about to mentally crack if I
can not find a woman to be intimate with really soon. i have been
holding the line for a long time. I just do not know how much longer i
can go with out and intimacy of a woman. I know jenna said the right "
girlfriend." at this point i settle for a one night stand. ( so many
others experience this high sex drive; the documentation of it can lower
you sex drive is pure bs.) the question a doctor should ask the
patient, as I told my therapist last week, should be how is your sex
drive and do you have the desire to have sex with someone if your
surgery was completed? i think you would be surprised at the number of
women like me that would admit to a high sex drive and wanting to wait
for surgery. this is tearing me in pieces and it has for a long time.i am crying because i know what the consequences of a prostitute are with a woman but i am not sure i can stop it.
thank you
Sunday, July 6, 2014
rachel sexuality and being a lesbian
This is a very new blog for
me because I will explore my sexuality in a very intimate way for others to see
into my world. The total numbers of Lesbians in the trans community is unknown but a
interesting subset of trans lesbians also exist within the community. I am
sexually attracted to genetic women but some trans women are attracted to other
trans women. I just wanted to mention that in this article. back to me and my sexuality now.
I was a taken a bit back the
other day when a woman I was talking to a the VA, not a VA employee, asked me
when did I know? I thought and I had judged she was going to ask when I felt
like a woman but she asked “ when did you know you were a lesbian?” I told her
when I was this big so otherwise around 10-12 yrs old? I never have been
attracted to men. I did spend time with men sexually but I never allowed anal
penetration. So to be direct I performed oral on men and plenty of times to get
the attention as a woman. But that only
worked for a while and I felt dirty afterwards however dressed very feminine in
adult venues when I met the occasional woman I felt no shame lol.
Once I met a girl in a adult
venue in PA and we decided to go to the park where
the men did their thing and we decided to stay in the car and do our thing. (
note: suddenly while we were just playing the car nearly every man headed our
way and I said to the girl this is not good. We went back to the adult store to
finished playing. Once I was called a fish at an adult store and I did not know
what that meant. The guy says you know women? I said no. he said you know women
smell. I said omfg.
There is apparently hatred of women in parts of the gay community
and I think it probably goes the other way with Lesbian distaste for men.)
while in the car with the woman it was very apparent from the very beginning she knew how to touch and exactly what to do
and I was boiling hot in 2.5 seconds. On the other hand men I tried and tried
to teach what I liked and it was like, excuse me , getting a dog to walk
backwards. But the woman had me so hot I
had no choice but to go down on her and I loved it when a woman moans and more
she moans the hotter I get. This is me.
So fast forward to the age of
hormones and about 6-8 mos ago I was half awake and half a sleep when I
realized I had my index and middle finger heading towards my crotch. Mentally
in a semi sleep state I thought I was going to rub my vagina I don’t have yet.
Wow that was a shock to my mind and that was the only time it happened but it
was so real I started to cry knowing that my brain thinks I have a vagina. The
hiding ended for me when I started hormones.
As the last few months went
forward my fantasies about women and the sexual acts intensified to a state
that makes me cry sometimes and yet others I mediate with food but that is not good either. The craving to
be with a woman as a woman is increasing by the day as my brain realizes there
is such a mismatch with this birth defect between my legs. Sometimes all I think is about sex and that
always means my hormones are raging. ( at month 30 the anxiety during the day
went to zero but at night it has been a nightmare where I have near panic
attacks due to anxiety. Is this because I have no vagina? )
Also one day about 3-4 months
ago I envisioned how I would pleasure a woman orally and I thought to myself
every experience is so different on hormones. I am not the person that existed
yrs or anything like I envisioned before hormones. so about 3 months ago I envisioned knowing
what a woman likes by how I might like a woman to give me oral while I had a
visional picture of a vagina in my head. It was so odd and strange. I think I am
trying to understand how my brain has changed and please do not believe the hype that
your sex drive goes down on hormones. so many others speak of high sex drive that it
sounds like most of us have increased sex drive on hormones.
So when I envisioned giving a
woman oral I remembered how I learned so much from an ex girlfriend and I
enjoyed pleasuring her orally and with my fingers. I even had her help me and
teach me exactly how she liked it to the point I her guide my fingers in her
vagina so I knew exactly what excited her. Rachel was doing so serious research
long before hormones. there was a specific reason I wanted to know how to pleasure her and wow that was a revelation to say the least.
With the same girlfriend I started
to experiment with my feminine sexuality.
I did not know it in the moment yrs ago but I was trying to turn her
into my lesbian lover. We even tried the
scissor position with a toy like so many lesbian do and I nearly had an
organism. ( the position for non lesbian … please google it damn) I knew who I was back years ago and if I
could have found a woman to love me as a woman I would have be me yrs ago. That experience was not too far in my memory
and one I look forward to doing with a woman once my surgery is complete.
The fact is I want a woman to
please but then I think I want her to pleasure me and then this makes me cry because
she cannot give me oral since I do not have a vagina. This is making me cry now
just thinking of why I really do not pursue a relationship with a woman now. I
so want to be with a woman sexually but I am not sure I can handle not being
able to have her pleasure me. I think I might break down emotionally after I
gave her oral pleasure. This is an not a nice place over here now.
Enough of the political
correctness I want to eat a fucken pussy so bad all I think of is … ok a shaved
or trimmed pussy to eat. But then I think I want the right woman but my sex
drive says any woman. It is like a serious damn problem. My sex drive is the range
of a 20’s yr old woman and I do not have a vagina.
I am the professional woman
in public but not a nice girl in private. I have a video on utube of a girl
kissing a girl and suddenly she pulls on the girls hair to let her know who is
in charge. Damn that makes me wet just thinking about it. Put bluntly “ I don’t do girls
; girls do me.” it is not my strong
preference but who I am and I will settle for anything less.
Then about one yr ago I was
at the local target store when I thought I had the type of woman I want etched
in my head; wrong again. This woman I saw was very muscular with tight pants
and suddenly at the pizza hut outlet she looked me up and down three times so I
returned the gesture lol. Then she said how are you? I said I am good and you. She said as she
walked away, “ you have a nice day.” We kept eyes on each other then she turned
away. Wow I thought she was hot.
Just maybe I am looking for a
dyke girl like her or fem or I have not idea. I know I love a girl to throw me
up against the wall and make love to me. but the minute I think of that I
realize that I have no vagina but god that makes me so wet. I need to find a
girlfriend before surgery because I need sex. But how to control this sex drive
while waiting for surgery is almost mission impossible. This is because I think
of sex all the time unless I am in a bad mental state. Once the bad mental
state passes it is back to sex, sex, sex. But in all honesty I want a woman to
make love to me not fuck me. I want her to make me so wet I beg for to eat her.
oh did I really say that lol.
I might look like the girl
next door but I am a hot bitch most of the time and aching to try out my new
breast but I lack the vagina which challenges me to decide what to do. Now back
to aching for a woman to go down on me. how bad is it? I went so far as to have
a fantasy where I just finished surgery and my girlfriend would lick my new
pussy. But then I thought omg that might
give me an infection or her one too.
There is no way in hell I can
wait the 6-8 weeks after surgery to pleasure myself or have a woman go down on
me. I have asked the doctor repeatedly about this but I am sure he is thinking
of a penis penetrating my new vagina. As I told my primary care doctor, “ no
penis will ever go into this vagina.” Yes I really did say that. So I am think
what will be the harm at 4 weeks if a woman licked my new vagina? The only
concern I have is possible infection. I will ask the doctor when I get to Thailand . I can
only imagine his face when I ask this question. I am very direct but talking
about sexuality is kinda new to me. I have been trying to write this blog for
about one yr.
I even have fantasies with
two women but immediately I think that would not last because only one person
can give another 100 percent. I am
looking for a loving woman that loves me as a me and loves to receive oral. I
absolutely love to give oral to a woman but only my girlfriend.
That being said I love hot
wet kisses and even in Australia
I and another girl kissed for 4 days almost non stop. She did not believe she
was cheating on her boyfriend if we only kissed. I was 20 yrs old and I said I
can live with that opps. That was cheating but omg Helen could kiss and kiss
and I loved it. I cannot imagine I did not ask her to give her oral but the
kissing was gold to me.
But most of all I want to
cuddle with a woman and hug her and wake up in my lovers arms night after night. I
want a wife who is very loving and just a down to earth real woman that where
we enjoy each other’s company.
That is a bit more than I
probably should speak about on line but oh well it is the real me. now I need some more red wine and then I will
go to bed and cry because I so want to be with a woman as a woman. There is no way to shut off the sex drive and
exercising seems to increase the sex drive too.
I am in a no win situation except to go for broke and get this surgery
done soon.
Thank you
Ps interested women please
contact me lol
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